Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Bossy Bossy Bossy

Sometimes Mom I really wish you wouldn't offend me as much as you do. I'm also not some dumb idiot! I don't need you to repeat the same damn thing over and over like I'm handicap or something. I don't see why I can't sleep over my friends house. I'm a big girl now mom, like you say that I don't need to have your hand in mine to help me through the way.
Like seriously, I know you love me to but it hurts sometimes. Yesterday you kept bitching at me because I had 3 sweaters on my bed. Three, now I would understand if I had my room a pig style but it wasn't. I vacuumed, dusted my furniture, and did my bed.
"No godas!" you would say, "I do everything in the house and your just sitting there with your ass up and don't do shit in the house." What the hell, seriously, our house is not messy! I know we are the only one's left. I know I'm the black sheep of the family, I smoke, I drink. But thank God you don't know that. If you did I would be long gone in a facility for people like me till I was 21.
I told you your words didn't hurt but unfortunately they do. You say my words hurt you but don't be a god damn hypocrite and do the same to others.
You tell me to help you pay the bills like my brother. But mom, I'm not my brother! I'm me. Can't anyone accept that! I'm only 17. Still in high school. And yes everyone. GASP. I know on my profile it says I'm twenty but I'm not. I'm only doing all this blogging thing to get rid of my anger and my stress some other way. Just like all of you.
Back to subject people. Why don't people accept one another? Did you know that if your best friend was just like you in every shape way or form. You would hate them..? But the only way I'm like my mother is that we want to be in charge. At least she thinks of it that way. But I like to think about It as independent.
I would like to walk outside knowing my mom wouldn't mind. I would like to go out and hang out with my friends every afternoon, at least after I do my chores. But no. Maybe that's why I'm Bsing all my classes. Don't worry mom, I will go to college. I will have a good life. Just if you would let me I will; I want to. I'm smart, I just don't do things right at times. I do know about respect, just I demand respect like you do Mom.
I love you dearly too. I'm a terrible child, I know. But I don't need everybody telling me that every waking moment of my god forsaken life. Those happy pills I take, well they don't help because there is no pill out there that can help me with my absolute disastrous life.

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